Increase your Business sales with our features
e-Vouchers + Latest Technology = Great Sales!
Choose Kotakado and we guarantee you won’t dissapoint. We ready to provide solutions about voucher distribution to the right customers and increase your sales! We offer a variety of features that can help increase your engange sales from digital voucher.
Plus, we open possibilities through which we can help you in creating apps/websites to be used later for distribute vouchers.

How it works
Start using our dashboard and Kotakado’s system to manage all vouchers to be distributed later.
Provide and encourage Merchant to use various and combination of channels to distribute digital voucher.
User will use your channel to reedem any voucher.
Main Features
Kotakado comes with various features to help your company manage the distribution of vouchers with ease.

Catalog Service
Our platform is integrated directly with partner’s applications or webpages.
Learn MoreStart Using Kotakado
Tell us how you would manage the voucher, and we shall provide you the best voucher management system.
or WhatsApp +62 822-9998-8870